We must make still greater progress from ONE BREAD, ONE BODY

We must make still greater progress

One Bread, One Body

Paul told the Thessalonian Christians: "You must learn to make still greater progress" (1 Thessalonians 4:1). Paul was referring to progress in sexual purity.

-       When Christians routinely look lustfully at others on TV, on-line, or in person, we must make still greater progress.


-         When many Catholics disagree with Pope Paul VI's encyclical Humanae Vitae without ever having read or understood it, we must make still greater progress.


-         When the Church's biblical teachings condemning homosexual acts as sinful and degrading are arrogantly dismissed, we have to make greater progress.


-         When lay single people don't know they have the preferred calling of renouncing sex for the sake of God's kingdom, we must make greater progress.


-         When most Christians don't know that "the pill" is not only a contraceptive but sometimes an abortifacient, we have to make more progress.


-         When people are ignorant of how tubal ligations and vasectomies seriously disrupt the ecological order of their bodies, spirits, and relationships, we must make greater progress.


-         When our stand against abortion is weakened because of our disunity, refusal to submit to authority, and self-centered apathy, we must make still greater progress.

"God has not called us to immorality but to holiness; hence, whoever rejects these instructions rejects, not man, but God Who sends His Holy Spirit upon you" (1 Thessalonians 4:7-8).