Email Testimony: Rosary Blessings On The Road!

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What we think of as roadblocks can be God's "road blessings" in disguise . . . .

There would be less road rage if there were more road Rosaries being prayed . . . .

When we travel with Our Mother Mary, God surely travels along with us . . . . .

End of school year blessings!


I love this.......................

this morning I was praying the rosary like I do every morning on my drive to work.

I imagine that Mary is traveling with me to keep me safe on the dangerous highways in Dallas!

this morning I was hungry....................

I told myself in between decades that i would be fine until lunch time.

I thought about breakfast as I prayed and suddenly found myself exiting to McDonald's.

I finished the rosary in line there and proceeded to get back on the freeway after getting my order.

As I got back on there were brake lights.

Right before me was an awful 8 car accident.

I had just missed it.

I thanked our Blessed Mother for putting it into my heart to eat!!

The road block for me was my appetite...........................

it saved me from a possible accident of cars bouncing and spinning across all four lanes of east bound traffic.

I remember from my experience in church back in college when Mark told me at St. Mary's church...............

God puts roadblocks in our path to keep us safe!