Catholic Witnesses in the Public Square (CWPS)
Today is the perfect
day to launch a parish group program that seeks to lead people out into the
world to be witnesses for Christ, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit!
That is the mission of
Catholic Witnesses in the Public Square (CWPS).
Today this program is
available to you!
The parish groups are
based on four pillars: prayer, education, fellowship, and action.
Catholic Witnesses in
the Public Square materials will be released monthly, beginning today! CWPS
materials include:
- Prayer resources;
- Educational monthly videos (on key issues such as
religious liberty, life, marriage and family, the Church's social
teaching) with accompanying leader's and participant's discussion guides;
- Fellowship ideas; and
- Action opportunities for you and your group to be
witnesses in the public square.
The living Gospel
commands an active response from us. Action born out of prayer. Action rooted
in love. We serve one another, and we are led into the public arena, where we
must uphold and defend life from conception until natural death, marriage
between one man and one woman, the right of parents to raise and educate their
children, religious liberty, and the entire Gospel of Christ.
May God bless our
efforts to take the Gospel to the world.
God bless you!
Catholic Witness Team