Afterwords: POWER points to ponder

·         We depend not on our own power but rather on the power of God
·         When we release our pain to God, God releases His power upon us
·         Let us by the power of the Holy Spirit be interpreters and revealers of the Word of God
·         God protects us; Death does not have power
·         People who possess peace; possess power
·         We can rest assure with an inner peace that passes all understanding that we have the power to live victoriously through it all
·         Offer to others the one thing we all have in our power to offer; our presence, our very self
·         When we encounter God we experience his power; feel his encouragement, and sense his presence
·         We will be able to accomplish anything only in God’s power and in God’s presence
·         We pass through the “refining fire” to become shining examples of God’s glory and power
·         Patience produces power
·         Proclaim the name of Jesus passionately in all that we say and do, and we will feel his power and presence in our lives
·         Draw on the limitless power of God instead of depending on the limited power of ourselves
·         We must embrace our enduring power for the edification of the powerless
·         Discover the power of a discerning perspective
·         Power idea – Prayer
·         God’s Word has a mysterious power that is irresistible and unfathomable, that always accomplishes God’s Purpose and fulfills God’s Plan
·         If we want to be truly alive and making a significant impact, know that the energy and power to do so can come only from praying
·         The evidence of God’s creative power is all around us and through us, and indeed when we come to this realization, it is the most magnificent and marvelous moment to behold
·         We have God’s power to perform His Plan and accomplish His Purpose
·       May we be freer emotionally, healthier physically and more able to experience the joy of Jesus, be drawn closer to Him, see Him work in amazing ways and experience the power of forgiveness in our own life
·       Praying on the spot for people conveys to those who have a need right away to the One who has the mercy, grace and power to help
·       We are chosen, loved, favored and anointed in the power of the Spirit
·       Pray for God’s Purpose, Plan and Power