Afterwords: Twelve (12) Thoughtful Thoughts

1. Is this thought a friend or a foe? If it is useful – do it; If it is useless – dump it

2. We must stay on the right train of thought and not get off track in order to arrive at our destination

3. Don’t just think thankful thoughts but more importantly talk thankful thoughts

4. God works marvelously, doing more than we could have asked or thought

5. Thought becomes action; we externalize what we internalize

6. A supernatural exchange: God’s Thoughts become our thoughts, God’s Ways become our ways and God’s Ideas become our ideas

7. Let His Spirit determine our thoughts and actions

8. May we remind ourselves daily of God’s faithfulness and thank him in advance for how he’s going to work things out marvelously and majestically beyond what we could have imagined, dreamed of, or thought possible

9. Pray blessings upon others whenever their name comes up in thought or in word

10. God must become our top priority, consuming our thoughts, our emotions and our time

11. When we invite God into our rocky relationships through prayer, He will do more than we could have asked or thought

12. Be focused not frantic; be thoughtful not thoughtless; be receptive to receiving all the riches and rewards from Our Redeemer