Join Americans United for Life Action “Team Life 2012” to Make a Unique Impact in this Election and Across the Country
Well-known for employing innovative tools for activist outreach, Americans United for Life Action is capitalizing on the response and momentum created through AULA’s “Virtual March for Life” in January 2010 through the launch of “Voting for Life 2012.” Through this cutting-edge, online forum, AULA along with some strategic partners will unite pro-life Americans across the country in a virtual community: Team Life. Team Goal Number One: Vote for Life this November.
“Team Life can unite and mobilize a pro-life majority to elect a pro-life President, gain a pro-life majority in the U.S. Senate, and protect the pro-life majority that currently exists in the U.S. House of Representatives,” said Americans United for LifeAction President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest. “As we move into the final stretch of this campaign, Team Life will be an important coalition of engaged, pro-life voters.”
Every participant of Team Life will receive an online avatar and be able to identify themselves and their friends on a national map of the United States. And that is just the beginning. This community of strong, pro-life Americans will enhance AUL Action’s ability to activate and mobilize its strong grassroots infrastructure to defeat its targeted candidates across the country on November 6. AUL Action will also engage its membership to volunteer and get active in races AUL Action has identified.
The Life issue can change the course of this election. More people identify themselves as pro-life compared to pro-abortion. And according to a Gallup poll, 1 in 5 voters are guided by a candidate's abortion stance.
Life is a winning issue, and Life counts at the ballot box. But today, the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade is underway through President Obama’s healthcare law.
Since 2008, when America elected the most pro-abortion President in U.S. history and a Congress to rubber-stamp his pro-abortion agenda, Americans have witnessed the failure of the President, his Administration, and many elected officials to protect human life, including a determined effort to support abortion — even extreme pro-abortion positions out of step with the majority of Americans; expand taxpayer funding of abortion both domestically and abroad; and force Americans to violate their deeply held religious, moral, and ethical beliefs by forced participation with the abortion industry and life-ending drugs and devices.
In Joining “Team Life,” voters will have a key opportunity to defeat President Obama and Congressional leaders who promote an anti-life agenda and to elect leaders who will defend and protect every human Life.
As Chief Justice Roberts noted in the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision this past June:
The Life issue can change the course of this election. More people identify themselves as pro-life compared to pro-abortion. And according to a Gallup poll, 1 in 5 voters are guided by a candidate's abortion stance.
Life is a winning issue, and Life counts at the ballot box. But today, the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade is underway through President Obama’s healthcare law.
Since 2008, when America elected the most pro-abortion President in U.S. history and a Congress to rubber-stamp his pro-abortion agenda, Americans have witnessed the failure of the President, his Administration, and many elected officials to protect human life, including a determined effort to support abortion — even extreme pro-abortion positions out of step with the majority of Americans; expand taxpayer funding of abortion both domestically and abroad; and force Americans to violate their deeply held religious, moral, and ethical beliefs by forced participation with the abortion industry and life-ending drugs and devices.
In Joining “Team Life,” voters will have a key opportunity to defeat President Obama and Congressional leaders who promote an anti-life agenda and to elect leaders who will defend and protect every human Life.
As Chief Justice Roberts noted in the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision this past June:
“Members of the Court are vested with the authority to interpret the law; we possess neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgments. Those decisions are entrusted to our Nation’s elected leaders, who can be thrown out of office if the people disagree with them. It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
In addition to registering people to vote, AULA’s Team Life project will educate voters on key life issues and how their current elected officials have voted against and/or failed to protect life.
Life Counts 2012 will specifically highlight:
§ The use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortion despite the failing economy
§ The Obama Administration and their Congressional allies’ support for extreme pro-abortion policies
§ The lack of protection for First Amendment Rights of Conscience
To create your unique avatar — To join #TeamLife — To work for a nation in which everyone is welcomed in life and protected in law — CLICK HERE!
Life Counts 2012 will specifically highlight:
§ The use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortion despite the failing economy
§ The Obama Administration and their Congressional allies’ support for extreme pro-abortion policies
§ The lack of protection for First Amendment Rights of Conscience
To create your unique avatar — To join #TeamLife — To work for a nation in which everyone is welcomed in life and protected in law — CLICK HERE!