40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Austin, Texas
Abortions on a Sunday? Even on the Lord’s Day, there are abortionists open for business. As hard as that may seem to believe, it’s true. Your prayers are needed so women don’t make a mistake that will cost their babies their lives — and will perhaps affect them in ways they can’t even imagine for years to come. But even for those who have made that mistake, there is eternal hope. Here are a couple of stories of hurt … and healing. UNEXPECTED CALL I’m going to keep the location confidential for this first story. “I received a call from a woman telling me she had gotten information about our campaign from a local church,” a local leader said, “and she wanted to know if she could help. Her voice was a little broken, as she explained to me that people just don’t realize how they might feel later.” The caller went on to say that women who think abortion is the answer just d...