Movie “For Greater Glory” extended until July 2, 2012

Thanks be to God - due to the overwhelming response and support from Del Rio and the surrounding area, the movie “For Greater Glory” has been extended.
June 29 – July 1
Show times: 12:30 – 3:40 – 7:00 – 10:10
July 2
Show times: 11:45 – 3:00 – 6:10 – 9:20
The movie was not brought to Eagle Pass or Uvalde.
Thanks to the efforts and dedication of the Knights of Columbus and Legion of Mary members working together under the Spiritual Direction of Father Antonio O. Moreno along with the support of Father Henry Clay Hunt and St. Joseph Parish community, Father Jim Fischler and Sacred Heart Parish community and Father Javier Uribe Guzman and Our Lady of Guadalupe community that this great movie was brought to Del Rio and was tremendously successful.

It has been proven that Del Rio is a Christian community that wants to see quality movies with interesting, insightful and inspirational themes like “October Baby” and “For Greater Glory”.
Please take a few minutes to thank the management of Cinemark 8 – Del Rio for hosting the movie “For Greater Glory”:
Cinemark 8 – Del Rio, 2205 Veterans Blvd., Del Rio, Texas 78840
Phone: 830-775-8120
Fax: 830-775-8902
This goes a long way to helping bring movies with a moving, memorable and motivational message to our city.  This is our community and this is our movie theater. Let’s demand better quality of movies and show them that it pays to listen to their customers!