Catholic Digest

Martyrs, heroes, and rebels: "For Greater Glory"
What price would you pay for freedom? In "For Greater Glory" (releasing June 1) which tells the story of the real-life martyrs and heroes of the 1920s Cristero War, which arose in response to government oppression of Catholicism in Mexico, each of the characters must answer this question.
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A Q&A with Eduardo Verástegui, actor
When an 18-year-old Verástegui left his small town for the bright lights of Mexico City, he was looking for fame and fortune. But after achieving his heart's desire and breaking into Hollywood, he felt empty.
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Saint Joan of Arc
Today, May 30, is the feast of Saint Joan of Arc. Fearlessly charging into battle beneath a white and gold banner emblazoned with holy icons, Joan of Arc holds a remarkable place in history as well as the hearts of the faithful. Follow the link below to learn more about her life and work.
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