Presentation Ministries: Grace and Peace

"Grace and peace be yours." —1 Thessalonians 1:1

 Grace is the presence and power of God. We need grace because we cannot live for Christ by our natural power. We need God's supernatural power. We accept grace because we have faith in the God of grace, because we have a personal relationship with Him.

 The Bible's meaning for peace is based on the Hebrew "shalom." Shalom means order and harmony. Shalom-peace means that everything is in its proper place. The Lord masterfully made this world with a physical, psychological, social, and spiritual ecology. When everything is in its proper place, we have paradise; we have shalom-peace. Shalom implies repentance for our sins and the submission of our lives and lifestyles to God's authority. Of course, this can only be done by grace.

Prayer: Father, bless my life with shalom-peace so that my lifestyle may be a living witness to Your grace.

 Accept more grace from the God of peace daily by reading the Bible daily.