This week, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) President Archbishop Dolan called on clergy to preach on poverty and educate and advocate for the poor and jobless (read more here).
He also wrote a letter asking the Obama Administration to protect and defend the Defense of Marriage Act (read more here).
This Sunday is Pray for the DREAM (Act) Sunday, please keep all those involved in supporting the DREAM Act in your prayers.
You can learn more about the DREAM Act online here and in Bishop Farrell's blog post listed here.
Please also continue to pray for our Church and State leaders, that they will work to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

Our call to Faithful Citizenship is never-ending, and doesn't have an interim break! Learn more about how to stay informed and involved as a Faithful Citizen in this month's
Capitol Comments: Resources for Engaging Others in Our Faith.