Surge of Supernatural Strength

Once our relationship with God has been restored, our guilt has served its purpose it should no longer be given a place in our life.

We must realize that punishing and hating ourselves after receiving God's forgiveness is an insult to God.

Don't waste God's mercy!

Accept His forgiveness and forgive ourselves as testimony of His amazing grace.

Lord, keep us from falling prey to the accusations of the father of lies.

In light of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf, and the fruit of God's mercies on our lives, we owe God our highest form of praise and worship.

Worshiping God in the truest sense of the word, may our example lead others to turn from their idols to worship the one true God.

Let us thank God for deeming us holy and acceptable because of Christ's blood shed for us.

Let us pray that God would use us as His vessels to rescue others who are perishing.

We all need Jesus Christ who saved us from the penalty of sin, to save us from the practice of sin.

Lord, may we never forget our true identity is in Christ and that apart from Him we are nothing.

Always remember that when we cast our net upon the waters, we never know how it will be returned to us.

God is going to shift things around today and let things work in His favor.

Truly God’s perfect timing is at work when we must go in a different direction than what we had anticipated.

God closes doors no one can open and God opens doors no one can close.

We all need God to open some doors and close some doors for us.

God provides for us in our lives when we accept His plan for our lives.

There is no limit to what we can accomplish when we give God all the credit.

The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us!