Reflection of Father Moreno’s Homily: July 10, 2011

In today’s Gospel Saint Matthew tells us that Jesus is The Teacher, that Jesus teaches the people, that we are to listen to Jesus teach us.  How we listen to God is how we relate to God.

“Whoever has ears ought to hear.”  
The sower scattered the seeds that represents God’s generosity. God gives to everyone. The ground is our heart receiving The Word of God. Do God’s Will.

Conversion is a change of heart.

There are four (4) ways that our hearts respond to God:

1)      When our hearts are the beaten path

2)      When our hearts are the rocky ground

3)      When our hearts are the thorny ground

4)      When our hearts are the fertile ground

When our hearts are the beaten path we are ego-centric and selfish.

When our hearts are the rocky ground we give up easily and do not trust.

When our hearts are the thorny ground we use everyone and lie and cheat to get what we want.

When our hearts are the fertile ground we are humble, we give up our life, we take up our cross and die to self.

The relationship that we have with our spouse, our family, and our friends is the relationship that we have with God.

Is it what I want or is it what you want?

How can you serve me or how can I serve you?

Can you trust me or can I trust you?

Jesus asks each one of us, “Do you love me?” If we do love Him then we are to feed his sheep, we are to feed his lambs.

Father Moreno mentioned the Medina Valley High School court controversy in early June about banning student led prayer. He said that most of us just shrugged our shoulders not thinking anything of it, but he said that soon if this continues we will not be allowed to worship in church.

Father Moreno said his family decided to get together this Fourth of July just to celebrate as family, since they had been getting together recently for several family member’s funerals.

Father said that he will continue to celebrate the 10:30 a.m. in English at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.