Bishop Joe Vásquez Opens the Texas Senate in Prayer


On May 19, 2011, Bishop Joe Vásquez, Bishop of the Diocese of Austin, offered the following Senate Invocation:

Lord God, heavenly Father, we humbly invoke your blessing over the Texas Senate and each of its members. We thank you for their staff and those who collaborate with them so that your work may be accomplished. May they dedicate themselves to bringing about a just society in their role as public servants.

You have created us in your likeness and image, which are both a blessing and a responsibility. Lord, guide us in your wisdom, comfort us with your mercy, protect us with your power, and help us to seek justice. Human dignity is your gift to us. Mindful of this gift, help us to be kind and respectful towards others who may disagree with us.

Father, we ask you to guide these senators as they deliberate serious and important issues. Help them to conquer anger with gentleness, and greed with generosity. May they seek the common good for all Texans; especially, for the weak, the vulnerable, and the poor.

As we seek to be faithful citizens, form our consciences so that we may exercise and enact laws according to your will. Let our conscience be clear, our conduct without fault, our speech blameless, our lives well-ordered.
God bless Texas. Amen.