Afterwords: Ten (10) facts about the future

1)    The future is just a heartbeat away.

2)    We all play hide-n-seek with the future; the visionary finds where the future is hidden while the rest are still counting down to start seeking.

3)    Don’t make the mistake of thinking so much about the past or about the future that we miss out on living in the present.

4)    We can never really plan for the future because it is always full of unexpected surprises that will find us totally unprepared.

5)    We have to let go of the past in order to embrace the future.

6)    Set our sights forward and be set for the future.

7)    Is the thought of our future filled with anxiety or anticipation?

8)    A person who brags about what they did in the past will still be bragging about it in the future and nothing new will have happened except the bragging will have gotten boring to everyone else except the braggart.

9)    God’s word for us is “now”.  God wants us to complete the unfinished business of the past and quit putting off important decisions to the future.  God wants us to live for Him “now”.

10)  May God heal our past, our present and our future.