Reflection of Father Moreno's Homily: April 24, 2011- Easter Sunday

A mother pleaded with Jesus to come to her house for her daughter had died. Jesus raised His Heart to His Father and raised the young girl; the little girl woke up from death, and He told them to give her something to eat.

In Bethany His best friend Lazarus died, he was in the tomb for four (4) days. He told them to roll the stone and the words of Jesus were, “Lazarus, come out”. His Words to us are, “(Our Name), come out” from our tombs.
Jesus brought them back to life, Jesus can bring us back to life.

We celebrate the central faith of Christianity that Jesus has risen from the dead, He is alive. Do you believe? This is what Easter is about: Jesus dying for our sins and rising from death.

Christianity is the only religion that claims the Resurrection.  If we die in Jesus you will rise with Jesus because death had been conquered. Jesus will raise us on the last day.

In Jesus we have hope of eternal life. Come to Jesus for eternal life.

Jesus said, “Peace be with you”. This means harmony, unity and wholeness.

Jesus in my heart reside.  Receive Jesus in your heart. Jesus asks for our heart.

Some of us only come to church on Christmas and Easter and some of us come all the time and our hearts are still hardened.

Let us give up our plans, ideas, manipulations and twistings of life and say, “Come Lord Jesus into my heart”.