Afterwords: Fifteen (15) Things about Words

1) We must watch our words to always be wise – wonderful – winning – welcoming - winsome.

2) Our words do matter; we can create or destroy with our words.
The power of one word can change a life forever, for the best or for the worst.

3) When we choose our words; we choose peace or we choose war, we choose love or we choose hate, we choose life or we choose death.

4) Let us not only think before we speak, but also pray before we speak and always speak so our words won’t hurt others.

5) Pray for the power to always release positive words of approval, affirmation and appreciation and they will have a powerful effect on our life and the life of others.

6) The great things we see in others, say it to them.
Speak words of faith to others and into others.
Speak words of hope to others and into others.
Speak words of love to others and into others.

7) Be conscious of always saying, thinking, listening to, reading and writing affirming, encouraging, optimistic, positive, victorious words.

8) It takes practice to become a master painter with our words and create a masterpiece of communication.

9) A spoonful of sugar coated words helps the medicine of correction go down smoother.

10) It takes practice to become a culinary chef with our words in order to create a piece de resistance with an exquisite and palatable combination of verbal and nonverbal communicative ingredients added to the mixture to make the perfectly enjoyable interactive experience.

11) Don’t allow cruel or crass words to cut through the canvass of our God given life.

12) Use the God given gift of words to compliment and encourage others.

13) When we realize how much weight our words carry then we will more carefully weigh our words before we speak.

14) God’s Words of encouragement will empower us to do more than we ever thought possible or imaginable.

15) Just three (3) little words “I love you” are the greatest, most magnificent, wonderful words in the whole wide world.