Reflections on Father Moreno's Homily

Today at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Father Antonio Moreno in the homily spoke about how all creation speaks the voice of God, if only we have ears to hear and eyes to see.

We have ears but they are only hearing the blaring noises of the world and we have eyes but they are only seeing the enticing images of the world.

God is found everywhere, but God can be found more profoundly, perfectly and penetratingly in silence and with our eyes diverted away from the deafening distractions all around us.

A crow can teach us a lesson, a baby crying can teach us a lesson. There are lessons all around us if we only open our hearts, minds and souls to those teachable moments.

God is the Teacher and we are the students.

God has His Teaching Assistants and we have to be humble enough to accept His Teaching Assistants whoever they may be.

God, change the desolate desert of our hearts, minds and souls into an overflowing oasis in our hearts, minds and souls.

Not meaning to be disrespectful to Father Moreno, simply sharing this heart-warming and hilarious story that he recounted about when after Mass in Carlsbad, New Mexico he invited the children to come up for a blessing and this little boy came running down the aisle and hugged Father Moreno.

Father asked the little boy why he ran and why he was so happy to see and hug him, the little boy answered because Father Moreno was “Barney”.

God wants us all to love Him
like the little boy in the story,
running towards Him,
so happy to see Him
and wanting to hug Him.