Our Lady of Guadalupe Pro-life Prayer

Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the Pro-life Movement. In preparation for her Feast day, Priests for Life invites all believers to join in a special novena for life from December 4 through 12th by saying the prayer below.

The image of Our Lady, given to St. Juan Diego (whose feast is December 9), shows Mary as pregnant with Jesus. The Aztec Indians, among whom this image circulated, practiced human sacrifice. This image proclaimed the Gospel that "God is with us" (Emmanuel) and that therefore we can have the hope that gives us the courage to say "Yes" to life, just like Mary did.

In our day, the image is helping to end child sacrifice as it is brought to abortion facilities worldwide.

Novena Prayer for Life to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Oh Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of Life,
We honor you as Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Thank you for pointing us to Jesus your Son,
The only Savior and hope of the world.

Renew our hope in him,
That we all may have the courage to say Yes to life,
And to defend those children in danger of abortion.

Give us your compassion
To reach out to those tempted to abort,
And to those suffering from a past abortion.

Lead us to the day when abortion
Will be a sad, past chapter in our history.

Keep us close to Jesus, the Life of the World,
Who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.