Afterwords: Christ’s Joy, Love and Peace

There are people throughout the world living under threats of aggression, hostilities and violence.

Close to home, right at our own back yard - in the country of Mexico, how those people must be stressed and traumatized; fearful, frightened, and their bodies constantly in fight or flee mode.

This is the Christmas season with peace on earth and good will toward men, yet threats of violence ring louder than the songs of good cheer.

We are a violent people living in a violent world.

Pray that we become a peaceful people living in a peaceful world.

Let us pray that God may transform troubled, tormented, and tumultuous lives by giving the Christmas presents of Christ’s Joy, Christ’s Love and Christ’s Peace.

Peace starts in every heart, every mind and every soul and moves out to each and every heart, every mind and every soul that is touched with the transforming tenderness and tranquility of the Christ Child.