Catholic Voter Responsibility...Upholding Truth and the Moral Law

I Pledge My Support

WHEREAS abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell experiments and other attacks upon life and the family are matters of life and death for millions of innocent human beings; and

WHEREAS these evils endanger the future of my country and the eternal souls of countless people; and

WHEREAS every Catholic has a grave moral obligation to follow the Church’s teachings when he or she votes; and

WHEREAS our responsibility as Catholic voters is great, especially in North America and Europe, where abortionists have killed tens of millions of babies and where old and sick people are becoming the victims of euthanasia; and

WHEREAS we are obliged to educate our consciences by learning God’s law, both the natural law written in our hearts and the law revealed in God’s Word, taught with authority by the Church; and

WHEREAS our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that the primary duty of those involved in public life is “the defense of life—from conception to natural end—wherever it is threatened, violated or trampled;” and

WHEREAS the Church’s teachings forbid the killing of human beings from the moment of fertilization through every stage of their development; and

WHEREAS legally recognizing homosexual relationships as “marriages” undermines the truth revealed in the natural law and the Holy Scriptures that marriage is an exclusive and lifelong union of one man and one woman, which cooperates with God in creating new human life; and

WHEREAS among the many issues that voters must consider, the grave moral issues above are non-negotiable, and we must put them first, because they attack the very foundation of society; and

WHEREAS we must vote for the candidate who most opposes abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem-cell experiments and so-called homosexual “marriage;” and

WHEREAS we must pray for our  bishops as successors to the Apostles, who are courageously fulfilling their duty to explain to the faithful the Church’s teachings, through which God Himself speaks to us, on how we must fulfill our duty to vote; and

WHEREAS we must pray for our bishops who have courageously reminded Catholics that Canon 915 of the Church’s Code of Canon Law bars those who are “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin,” such as politicians who attack life and the family, from giving public scandal by receiving Holy Communion;


I pledge my support and prayers for the proclamation of the teachings of Christ, as held and handed down by the Church for 2,000 years.

May God and His Holy Mother Mary always guide, strengthen, encourage and shield us as we defend innocent human life, safeguard the sanctity of marriage and the family, and foster the good of all.