Worldwide 24-Hour Rosary Relay for Priests

19 June 2010
Times are shown in GMT

Joyful Mysteries

Australia 01.00 Shrine of Our Lady Help of Christians, Brisbane.
1. The Annunciation
We pray that every priest may hear and live God's word.

Japan 02.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Akita.
2. The Visitation
We pray that every priest may bear Christ to others.

Philippines 03.00 Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Manila.
3. The Nativity
We pray that every priest may proclaim Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

Sri Lanka 04.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Matara.
4. The Presentation
We pray that every priest may possess deep faith in the Sacraments.

India 05.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Health, Velankanni.
5. The Finding in the Temple
We pray for our own bishop(s), priests and deacons.

Sorrowful Mysteries

Levant and Middle East 06.00
1. The agony in the Garden
We pray that every priest may be steadfast in prayer.

South Africa 07.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Ngome.
2. The Scourging at the Pillar
We pray that every priest may bear suffering patiently for Christ.

Bosnia 08.00 Shrine of the Queen of Peace, Medjugorje.
3. The Crowning with thorns
We pray that every priest may be faithful to priestly promises.

Italy 09.00 Holy House of Loreto.
4. The Carrying of the Cross
We pray that every priest may experience the power of the Cross.

Poland 10.00 Shrine of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa.
5. The Crucifixion
We pray for our own bishop(s), priests and deacons.

Glorious Mysteries

France 11.00 The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes.
1. The Resurrection
We pray that every priest may be the bringer of peace and reconciliation.

Spain 12.00 Basilica of Our Lady of The Pillar.
2. The Ascension
We pray that every priest may be a witness of hope.

Portugal 13.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima.
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
We pray that every priest may be on fire with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Germany 14.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Altoetting.
4. The Assumption
We pray that every priest may live the true devotion to Mary.

Switzerland 15.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Einsiedeln.
5. The Coronation
We pray for our own bishop(s), priests and deacons.

Luminous Mysteries

Belgium 16.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Banneux.
1. The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan
We pray that every priest may hear the voice of Jesus.

Ireland 17.00 National Shrine of Our Lady of Knock.
2. The Wedding Feast at Cana
We pray that every priest may turn to Mary in times of need.

Wales 18.00 Shrine of Our Lady of Cardigan.
3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom
We pray that every priest may proclaim the truth of the Gospel.

England 19.00 National Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.
4. The Transfiguration
We pray that every priest may witness to Jesus the Son of God.

Mexico 20.00 Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
5. The Institution of the Eucharist
We pray for our own bishop(s), priests and deacons.

Joyful Mysteries

Argentina 21.00 National Basilica of our Lady of Lujan.
1. The Annunciation
We pray that every priest may hear and live God's word.

Canada 22.00 Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape, Quebec.
2. The Visitation
We pray that every priest may bear Christ to others.

USA Washington DC 23.00 Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
3. The Nativity
We pray that every priest may proclaim Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

USA Los Angeles 24.00 Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
4.The Presentation
We pray that every priest may possess deep faith in the Sacraments.