GREAT PARISH MISSION at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Del Rio, Texas

June 20 – July 4, 2010

With missionary priests and seminarians of the Missionaries of the Nativity of Mary (MNM) and with members of the Legion of Mary from Houston, Texas

Mission Program - Monday through Friday

6:00 a.m. - Rosary at Dawn and Lauds
(Lauds is a divine office that takes place in the early morning hours and is part of the Roman Catholic Liturgy of the Hours.)

5:00 p.m. - Children's Mission

7:00 p.m. - Holy Mass

8:00 p.m.- Youth & Adults
(Youth meet in the Gym & Adults meet in the Church)

Three (3) Mission Sectors: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Study Center, Val Verde, San Juan Diego