Three (3) day Media Fast – Saturday, May 29 through Monday, May 31

A CHALLENGE TO FOCUS ON FASTING AND PRAYER WHY? When you fast, you are denying something that your own desires, your flesh want, in order to focus on God and what He wants for you, and to spend time in prayer. God honors the sacrifice you make and works in your heart to draw you closer to Himself. Fasting is for the purpose of focusing on God, and devoting yourself to prayer. You are challenged to commit to a three (3) day media fast, and commit to eliminating distractions and focusing on God. During the fast, dedicate your thoughts and prayers to seeking God for Contagious excitement, Clarity, Connections, and Confidence in sharing the Gospel of Christ. For this time of fasting, you are encouraged to focus on praying the following prayers, unite in prayer for this specific time: -CONTAGIOUS EXCITEMENT “God, ignite in my heart an excitement about being contagious with my faith.” (Luke 8:39) -CLARITY “Open my eyes to see people in my life who need the love of Jesus Chr...