“Vote Pro-Life”

Learn more about the Vote Pro-Life Coalition at http://www.voteprolifecoalition.com/

Use two important resources.

One is the Bishops’ document Living the Gospel of Life. The Priests and Pastoral Associates of Priests for Life have written an in-depth study of this very important document from our Bishops concerning political responsibility. You can see the text of both the document and the study guide at www.priestsforlife.org/gospel/studyguide/index.htm
or order your own copy at www.priestsforlife.org/store

Voting with a Clear Conscience is a small yet powerful booklet that Father Frank Pavone wrote that gives you ten easy steps to voting with a clear conscience. View the text online at 
or order your own copy at the online store at www.priestsforlife.org/store

Please sign up for the next teleseminar at www.priestsforlife.org/conferencecall/index.aspx
and spread the word!