Fr. Pavone Mobilizes Clergy to Oppose Obamacare

Priests for Life

Monday, March 15, 2010


Washington, DC – Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, sent an urgent fax alert to priests and deacons nationwide today urging them to join with parishioners in contacting their Congressmen to express opposition to the health care bill that may be voted upon this week.

“The lives of millions of unborn children depend on all of us taking action now,” said Fr. Pavone. “The Senate version of the health care bill would expand access to abortion like never before in history. With a decisive vote possible this week in the House, there is no time to waste.”

The Priests for Life fax alert encourages priests, deacons, and members of church congregations to e-mail, call, or visit the local office of their Congressman and urge a “no” vote on the Senate measure.