Archbishop Gomez supports USCCB President, Cardinal Francis George's statement of opposition to current health care reform bill.

I join Cardinal Francis George in his opposition to the status of health care reform as it is currently being considered in Washington. In a recent statement, Cardinal George said;

"Two basic principles, therefore, continue to shape the concerns of the Catholic bishops: health care means taking care of the health needs of all, across the human life span; and the expansion of health care should not involve the expansion of abortion funding and of policies forcing everyone to pay for abortions. Because these principles have not been respected, despite the good that the bill under consideration intends or might achieve, the Catholic bishops regretfully hold that it must be opposed unless and until these serious moral problems are addressed."

I ask you to inform your representatives in Washington that you share these grave moral concerns over health care reform that does not protect the dignity of every human life.

Click here to contact Congress now.

Click here to read Cardinal George's complete statement.