Pro-Life is the triumphant choice of the civilization of life.

Pro-Choice is the tragic choice of the culture of death.

We are to embrace the embryos and the elderly, let them live.

The best "choice" is LIFE from natural conception to natural death.

May Our Lord of Life be with us in our earthly as well as in our eternal and everlasting life.

May Our Lady of Life be with us in our earthly as well as in our eternal and everlasting life.

May we truly treasure precious human life in all its multitudinous manifestations.

Life: appreciate it, love it and protect it.

Who knows what wonders each child will bring to the world?

Who knows what gifts each child will give to the world?

We are to create protection for every child by love and by law.

We who have a voice are to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

We are to be a voice for the voiceless, a word for those who have no words to express themselves, a light for those who are in darkness, a breathe for those who are suffocating, a thought for the thoughtless, a sign of hope for the hopeless, a map for those who are lost, a compass for those who lack direction, a smile for those who are sad, a morsel of food for the famished, a drop of water for the dehydrated.

We are to be an image of Christ for those who have forsaken their fate as a child of God and have disregarded the commandments of love and of life.

God brought us out of nothingness and into life, and sustains our existence at every moment.

God created us for a mission, a purpose, a reason, a time to lbe alive.

A beginning is a beginning, we all had a beginning.

Let the truth of life shine brightly for all to see, for all to hear, for all to feel, for all to know.