Choose Life

Choose Life

“You shall not kill.” (Exodus 20:13)

Those who argue so vehemently the right to end a life: Are they truly concerned about human dignity, or does other’s existence simply make them so uncomfortable that they would rather have them disappear?

The right to die sounds more like society’s right to kill.

All life is affected by the way people understand and keep the Fifth Commandment.

Our faith tells us that human life is sacred because God created it.

God alone is in charge of life from its beginning to its end.

No one can claim the right to directly destroy a human being.

A culture of death has been adopted in many societies today.

Society has publicly disregarded God’s law in many ways.

This is a path to self-destruction, because this path is not God’s path.

Abortion, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research are part of this culture of death.

All of these are the direct and deliberate killing of a human person made in the image and likeness of God.

Deliberate is an important word here, because many times people are led by fear, pressures and even force to make such a decision.

Each and every human being is created for a special and unique purpose and mission in life and to live with God for all eternity.

The Fifth Commandment concerns the sacredness and respect for all life, a Christian response must be inspired by this commandment, which is about more than not killing: It is a commandment to promote peaceful and healthy living.

Reverence for the sacredness of human life is the best antidote to a culture of death.

The motto, Choose Life, really embraces all the ways in which we are guided to keep the Fifth Commandment.