Navidad en Español

Album: Navidad en Español: Villancicos of Traditional Latin America

Artist: Harmonies Girls Choir

Description: Founded by Antonio Espinal in 2002, Harmonies is one of the most dynamic and versatile girls choirs in the city of Los Angeles.

The choir has been recognized for the dedication of St. Thomas Church in 2002, and since performs every year at St. Sophia Orthodox Cathedral and Our Lady of the Angeles Cathedral.

This album is a special collection of rare Christmas songs and arrangements from all over Latin America, including traditional and recent renditions of tunes and melodies from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic.

The following are three (3) songs from the album: At The Hour of Midnight, Guadalupana Christmas, and The Christmas Cha Cha Cha.

At The Hour of Midnight

Guadalupana Christmas

The Christmas Cha Cha Cha