Prayer is Powerful

The power of prayer is at work always and in everything.

Results are due, first and foremost, to the power of prayer.

God rewards the generous when we take the time to pray, when we remember to turn to God in prayer, when we ask God to be present in our life and place our trust in His Love.

When we take a leap of faith with trust in God we land where we were meant to be.

Let us profoundly understand the importance of humbly, peacefully, prayerfully standing as a witness of Christ in this world.

Let us proudly carry the banner of Christian most importantly on our hearts, minds and souls.

Not a mere outward banner but more importantly an inner banner that manifests itself in thought, word and deed.

Our eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet; every part of our being is subject to the curse of sin in our natural realm; however, our eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet; every part of our being is subject to the blessing and grace of salvation in our supernatural realm.

Prayer is a channel to communicate with Christ.

We must continually come to Christ, continually call on Christ, continually confide in Christ, continually cry out to Christ; this is our call as Christians.

The power of our faith and hope in the healing grace of the God who loves us is what sustains us.

God guide, bless and strengthen us, may the walls come tumbling down, the walls of arrogance, connivance, defiance, extravagance, flamboyance, ignorance, malignance, nonrepentance, obstinance, recalcitrance, self-importance, vengeance and all the evils that surround us.

God is raising up a might army and we are His prayer warriors.

We are to capture the enemy with love and surrender our life only to God.

Capture the mind through reason, inspire the heart through faith.

God will equip and empower us with the most effective and efficient means possible to do battle and conquer our apathy, fears, limitations, powerlessness, resistance, temperaments, and ultimately we will be victorious because the power of sin and death has been broken by the Resurrection of Christ.