Human Life

A living human being is a human life.

Any definition of a human being which does not include preborn babies is biological nonsense.

There is no religious creed which states: The life of a human being starts at fertilization, when the father's sperm unites with the mother's egg.

This observation would only be found in biology textbooks.

The reason is simple.

This is not a matter of faith; it is a scientific fact.

Is our knowledge of eggs and sperm and fertilization based on the Bible?

Of course not!

These facts were verified by scientific research many centuries after the Bible was written.

It is a biological fact that the life of a human being begins at conception.

Calling this a religious belief is calling biology a religion.

Religion and morality do not determine the scientific reality of when a human being physically exists.

Religion and morality do, have a great deal to say about how, given their physical existence, human beings should be treated.

Whether or not someone is a human being is not a religious view; it is a scientifically ascertainable fact.

However, religion and morality do come into play when one decides how scientifically ascertained human beings, or a particular class of human beings are to be treated.

When does life begin, is a trick question.

Life does not begin.

Life is a process; it began on earth once and has continued ever since.

The real question is: When does the life of an individual human being begin?

The answer is fertilization.

Our existence can be taken back to that moment in time when our mother's egg and our father's sperm united.

At that moment we came into physical existence and we have existed ever since.

At the moment of fertilization we existed; a moment before we did not.

Although we have existed in the heart, mind and soul of God from all eternity, and once conceived we will exist forever in eternity.

By our choices in life we will choose eternal life with God in heaven, or eternal life without God in hell.

Life is life whether we choose to believe it or not, life is a reality and not an individual choice to accept it or to reject it.

Life is a miraculous and marvelous gift from God, open the Gift of Life.