A Spirit of Wisdom and Insight

"May the God of your Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, grant you a spirit of wisdom and insight to know him clearly.
May he enlighten your innermost vision." (Ephesians 1:17-18)

The words "Spirit of Wisdom and Insight" and "Innermost Vision" resound and resonate within us.

It is not what we perceive on the outside rather what we envision in our innermost being that truly matters and is of enormous consequential significance.

Unfortunately we get distorted, deformed and demoralizing sights and sounds from all around us.

We are constantly being bombarded with television and computer screens blaring sights and sounds that are nothing but highly addictive and toxic noise pollution and glaring image pollution.

It is called new, innovative and technologically advanced, but there is nothing new about it, it is as old as Adam and Eve eating of the forbidden fruit and Adam blaming Eve in the Garden.

Thanks be to God that He offers us a true vision, His Vision, a true wisdom, His Wisdom, and a true insight, His Insight.

May God fill our eyes to truly see Him, our ears to truly hear Him, our mouths to truly praise Him, our hands to truly work for Him, our feet to truly follow Him, our hearts to truly love Him, our minds to truly image Him, and our souls to truly possess Him.

May the Holy Spirit erase and eradicate the false images, the false idols, and the false ideas; lovingly replacing them with icons of truth, beauty and grace of the only one true God emblazoned on our hearts, minds and souls.

We must trust that the Holy Spirit will direct us to say and do all that should be said and done in order to do God's Holy, Perfect and Divine Will.