Seeking and Searching

People are desperately seeking and searching, looking for easy answers, quick fixes to all the problems in their life.

Ultimately we are all seeking and searching for the truth, but sometimes we fall for destructive lies and deceptions.

We all are in need of guidance and direction in life, but sometimes we are misguided, misdirected and led astray until we find ourselves wandering and wayward.

We all want to be happy in life, but sometimes we are looking for happiness in all the wrong places, with all the wrong people, and through all the wrong things.

The so called secrets of life are selfish and self seeking when they make us into gods.

We are not in control, God is in control.

We are not the masters of our destiny; God is the Master of all our destinies.

We are not number one, God is the only One.

Jesus is the answer to all of our questions.

Jesus is the solution to all our problems.

Jesus is the only truth, the only way, the only life.

Our life is empty, meaningless and void until we surrender our life to Jesus.

We try to desperately fill up the emptiness with people, places and things, but they will never totally satisfy our true hunger and thirst.

We try to find meaning in all sorts of frivolous and superficial things, but none of them is truly fulfilling or satisfying.

We try to frantically fix ourselves by stuffing our life with all the latest fads which are short lived, until the next thing comes around but only to end up as broken promises.

Saint Augustine wrote: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."

The emptiness is filled only with God’s Love, there is meaning in life only with God’s Love, and the void is overflowing with appreciation and gratitude of God’s Love in our life.

Pray that everyone may find, know and love JESUS!