God Hero

Down deep inside we all want to really live our life in a way that is noble, courageous and generous.

We can all do this by letting God be the Hero in our story, by letting God be the Hero in everyone's story.

Ponder the message with an open heart.

In that space of hungering for something fresh and new, like opening the windows in a stuffy room and having the winds of the Spirit blow through clearing out the cobwebs.

This means that we talk as little as possible and listen more to God.

It is our job to point out God's constant, still presence in people’s lives, and turn their gaze in that direction.

Let God be the Hero in our story is such a gentle way for God to hold our hand.

It is like walking into a room full of people and not saying a word, but staring at a beautiful painting on the wall.

Eventually, one by one, everyone starts looking at that same painting.

Our job is to go in and just transfix our gaze on the presence of God.

The first faint morning beam of goodness, affection, grace, strength, and purity that is always present.

And patiently wait while their eyes focus on that same presence of God with gratitude and appreciation.

And when we appreciate something, are grateful for it, recognize and give thanks for it's worth in our lives however faint a glimpse it might be, it appreciates, grows in value, like our money in an interest bearing account, or the value in our home when it appreciates.

Once people are focused on the always presence of God’s good in their lives and they see it appreciate to the full-noon of a risen day, the complete sun was always there.

God is always present in our life as the only Hero.

It is a joy to let God be the Hero in our story and in everyone else's.