Graduation Blessings

Let us pray that God may grant all the graduates faith, courage and purpose in their days, and show them how to serve God in effective ways. With their education, knowledge and skill may they find their true and lasting fulfillment as they learn to do God’s will. And may they ever be aware in everything they do, that knowledge comes from learning, and wisdom only comes from God.

On their "commencement" day, let this truly be a beginning of their new life.

In the days of dismal, dreary darkness, may God be their Light, so that in turn they can radiate God’s truth and God’s message of love, hope, and joy.

In the days of blandness and broken heartedness, and being down in the dumps with the blahs, may God be their Salt, so that in turn they can fend off the fraud and corruption, the staleness and stagnation, and the melancholy and mediocrity around them.

In the days when they are flat on their back or fall flat on their face, may God be their Leaven, so that not only can they rise again, but also raise the downhearted and downcast to the jubilant celebration of God’s Love.

May all of us raise our hearts, minds and souls in prayer, wishing them a future filled with great hopes, great things, for great are the plans of God. While they walk this new road, may God be their guide as they follow God’s path and with Him may they always abide.

May God’s blessings guide them in accomplishing their goals throughout the coming years.

May God bless them as they move forward in life and keep them safe. May the Holy Spirit enrich them with talent and skill to proclaim God’s glory and goodness to all people.

We ask God to look upon all graduates with His love and grant them His peace now and forever.