Consider the Source

The most important question we can ask ourselves in connection with anything that we come in contact with is, "What is the source of this?"

Each and everything that we allow to enter into our life, has a reality, which is in each and every situation.

Of course there are choices; it is God who gave us our free will to choose Him or not to choose Him.

God loves us so much, that He wants us to love Him on our own.

God respects us so much, that He wants us to make our own choices.

All choices have consequences.

Of course there is freedom of choice. It is God's gift to us.

We are free to choose right or wrong, good or evil, virtue or vice. But we must also freely encounter that which comes from making those choices.

We have been brainwashed to believe that there are no consequences, and that there are no ramifications to our choices.

And when bad choices are made, we appear to be shocked and surprised that bad consequences follow.

We do not want the bad consequences.

We do not want to live with the ramifications of our bad choices.

We want them to go away.

We want to blame others.

We want to run away from those inevitable consequences.

We want for somebody or something to make it all right.

We want to disown and disavow the consequences that follow from our bad choices.

Consider the price to be paid. The eternal price of selling our soul for trinkets and trash, for fleetting moments and glittering enticements that all too soon will flee and fade.

And all we are left with are the consequences of having believed those terrible lies, and having to live a tormented life because we never considered the source of all those lies.

The devil is a murderer; there is no truth in him. He is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44)