
Showing posts from January, 2025

Prayer for Civic Leaders

    Prayer for Civic Leaders God our Father, You guide everything in wisdom  and love. Accept the prayers we offer for  our nation. In your goodness, watch over those in authority so that people everywhere may enjoy freedom, security and peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Faith Quotes from Trump's Inaugural Speech


Babies are priceless!

  Personal reflection: A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, But babies, not diamonds, are a girl's best friend!

When you think you’re giving to help the poor when you give to the second collection of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Think again!

  Web link:

Acceptable versus Unacceptable

  Personal reflection:  Why is a play whose content is about sexually transmitted diseases  being performed at a school? Why is prayer considered “totally unacceptable”, but a play for students with the subject matter of sexually transmitted diseases is considered totally acceptable?

The Sacrament of Matrimony

Personal reflection:  It is The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered in celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony. When the Church deems it acceptable and appropriate to bestow a priestly blessing upon same sex couples, allows divorced and re-married couples to receive the Precious Body and Blood of Christ, and turns a blind eye to birth control and contraception; then it is doing the exact opposite of celebrating, recognizing, supporting and promoting a Godly culture of life from conception to natural death, and a covenant of love among God, one man and one woman, open to God’s gift of children in a family. There is no such thing as a bilingual Mass, it is the One, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered in the English and Spanish languages. All blessings given by bishops are special, because the Bishops are the Successors of the Apostles!

Do Prayer for Spiritual Health!


Hunger and Thirst

  Personal reflection:  The heart, mind, and soul hungers and thirsts for the truth and transcendence only found in Jesus Christ 

Dei, Latin for: The Almighty, Lord

Personal reflection:  Instead of pushing diversity, equity, and inclusion (dei); we should be proclaiming the Divine, Eternal, Incarnate Word, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Dei, Latin for: The Almighty, Lord

For the love of God!

  Personal reflection:  I wonder how many would save their Blessed Bibles, Crucifixes, Rosaries and other Sacramentals, Holy Images and Sacred Statues?

Student Loans!

  Personal reflection:  People crying out to the government, “Pay my student loans”, makes them financially feckless and irresponsible. And it makes us stupid stooges for keeping them crying babies instead of mature adults facing their problems and working towards solutions. Don’t be into clueless wishful thinking. There’s no such thing as a free lunch!