To deport or not to deport? Catholics, Trump, and illegal immigration… It’s the issue most likely to immediately divide the new Trump administration and our Church – at least with some bishops, the USCCB, Catholic charities, and some Catholic voters who believe enforcing the law is too harsh. What can we expect? First, some history… Did you know Barack Obama deported over 3 million illegal immigrants during his first term? During his second term, Obama deported 2 million more – for a total of 5.2 million “removals” during his 8 years as President. And did you know that Joe Biden deported more illegal migrants last year than any year of the Trump presidency? Here’s another question… Who said: “If they’ve committed a crime, deport them. They’re gone!” Answer: Hillary Clinton. This is not a gotcha game. Every president has deported illegal immigrants – sometimes by the mil...