
Showing posts from July, 2024

D.E.I. must DIE in the Church in order for Christ to LIVE in the Church

  Personal reflections:  A Church that proudly proclaims Diversity-Equity-Inclusion is a Church that will DIE. A Church that powerfully preaches Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is a Church that will LIVE now and forever.

Be careful what you ask for by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

  Once upon a time in a big fish tank there were little fish that grew tired of their constitutional republic form of government.   They had so many freedoms and rights that it spoiled them and they did nothing but swim around in an apathetic and bored manner all day long.   They wished for a ruler that could entertain them with much pomp and royalty, and rule them in a way to make them know they were really being ruled.   No representative form of government for them, they declared.   So they quickly sent a petition to the owner of the big fish tank asking for a king-fish and a Queen-fish.   The fish tank owner saw what simple and foolish creatures they were, but to keep them quiet and make them think they had a king-fish and a Queen-fish he threw down a king-fish lure and a Queen-fish lure, and both fell into the water with a great, big splash.   The little fish hid themselves thinking the new king-fish and the new Queen-fish to be some powerful tyrannical governmental giant.   They

Los Bukis - Que mala - Lyrics


Quote by Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States of America - “The significance of the passage of time . . . . "

  Personal reflection:  They are words.  Those words are tossed around like a salad is tossed around. So it must be a word-salad. And just like salads are healthy for the body to eat, word-salads are a heathy treat for the mind. We all love salads. We all love word-salads even more. Salads are topped with dressings. Word-salads are topped with window dressings. When I was a young girl I loved to go window shopping. Now I do all my shopping online. Isn’t online shopping such fun? Cackle - cackle - cackle!

Be of ONE Heart, Mind, and Soul with Christ

Personal reflection:  

Stop overthinking!


Pretending to protect a president

  Link to video: Personal reflection:  Stop it! Stay in your God-ordained lane! The three (3) female Secret Service agents pretending to protect a former president.  They look like they are 5 feet something, tasked with shielding a man who is 6 feet something. Surrounding the vehicle: One (1) cannot holster her gun, One (1) is bobbing her ponytail dancing around in circles, One (1) is concerned about her sunglasses Girls will be girls . . . . .

Call 20 year-olds what they are: Adults not kids!

Personal reflection: We must stop referring to 20 year old men as kids! We must stop continuing to perpetuate the myth of perpetual extended adolescence.  Young adults are allowed to stay on a parent’s health insurance policy until they turn 26. Taxpayers have to pay for college student loans. We must stop coddling, pampering, and spoiling young adults, and not allowing them to learn competence and responsibility.  We are crippling them, not being compassionate. Tough love is true love!

The Lincoln - Douglas Debate

  Personal reflection:   The only debate I would be interested in watching would have been the Lincoln - Douglas debate. That’s when politicians were dignified statesmen. Today politicians have turned into a joke and debates into clown shows.

Madam President !?!


God bless all missionary priests

  Personal reflection:   The Archdiocese of San Antonio will be having a meeting with all the international priests. God bless all the missionary priests who have come  from around the world to the United States to support and sustain the Catholic faith during these tumultuous and turbulent times. Here in Del Rio, Texas there are three (3) international priests; one (1) from the Republic of the Congo, one (1) from India, and one (1) from Mexico. There is one (1) native born priest. God bless vocations to the holy priesthood.

God’s Goodness, Truth, and Beauty

  Personal reflection:


  Personal reflection:  REGISTER TO VOTE!  As Catholics, we are morally obligated to vote in elections.

Divine Intervention


Was Donald Trump saved by Saint Michael? by LifeSiteNews

Image In a shocking twist, a would-be assassin’s attempt on Donald Trump may have been thwarted by divine intervention.  Father James Altman reveals the miraculous events leading to Trump placing a statue of Saint Michael the Archangel on his bedside table.  Could this powerful protector have saved Trump’s life?  Discover the incredible story behind this divine connection. Watch the full interview here: In a shocking twist, a would-be assassin’s attempt on Donald Trump may have been thwarted by divine intervention. Fr. James Altman reveals the miraculous events leading to Trump placing a statue of St. Michael the Archangel on his bedside table. Could this powerful protector have saved Trump’s life? Discover the incredible story behind this divine connection. Watch the full interview here: In a