
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Rosary - The Spiritual Weapon of Choice in the War Between Good and Evil


Mariella and Miguel: Meet-Cute by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

  Taking the empty seat across the table from Mariella, Miguel places his coffee and croissant down. He politely inquires, “May I sit here?” Mariella responds in the affirmative. What else can she say since he’s already sitting there. Immediately after sitting down he publicly proceeds to close his eyes, and brings his hands together in the prayerful posture of traditional Catholics. On his right hand he put his thumb, index, and middle fingers together, and holding his three fingers together he intentionally and inspirationally makes the Sign of the Cross, which symbolizes the Most Holy Trinity, and the two other fingers together representing Christ’s two natures, that Christ is fully man and fully divine. Making the Sign of the Cross prominently; in his husky voice he prays while touching  his forehead saying, “In the name of the Father,” then moving down and touching the middle of his chest, saying “and of the Son,” and then touching his left then right shoulder stating “and of the

This Catholic institution isn't displaying a banner honoring Jesus during the traditional month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Reject RINO’s

  Personal reflection:  Don’t cast your vote for candidates: who choose compromise and corruption over courageous and conscientious conservatism;  who choose the polished idols of cowardly “civility,” nomadic “norms” and practical “principles”.

Heart Healthy


It’s not just a great scheme, it’s a grotesque scam!


Christ is in control

  Personal reflection:

Don’t be a sitting duck, instead be a vigilant eagle

  Personal reflection: For every Pearl Harbor that the Left perpetuates, the  Right must figuratively speaking and righteously counter with a Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Left must learn, the hard and painful lesson, that the price of Pearl Harbor is Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Or else they’ll just continue to come after us and attack us again, and again, and again . . . . . We must not be sitting ducks, we must be vigilant eagles. Just as Marx identified religion, the family, and private property rights as the three key barriers to achieving Communism, the Left today equally hates religion, the family, and citizenship. The Right must explode with the faith of Traditional Catholicism, the love of large, nuclear, homeschooled families, and the hope of patriotic citizens who cast their economic and electoral votes in alignment with their virtuous values.