Personal reflection: The Crucifix prominently displayed on the wall of Sacred Heart Catholic Parish gymnasium. The Crucifix removed from it place of honor and hidden from view. Is it so as not to offend the so-called sensitivities of the secular dignitaries, officials, and the general public that might be present? Is the Crucifix only allowed to be displayed during religious activities and events; but hidden from view during non-religious activities and events? Is this not a Catholic institution? Yet we cower and cater to the wishes of those in worldly power for the sake of human respect and so as not to offend others, but offending Christ Crucified is acceptable? We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. Because, by Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed the world. Cultural Catholics pick and choose when and where they will be Catholics! Catholics are taking their cues and their commands from the current culture and community, and not from the commands of Ch...