
Showing posts from September, 2023

disney has turned its back on its traditional mainstay and has gone astray / disney ha dado la espalda a su tradicional pilar y se ha extraviado

Personal reflection: Even mickey mouse is aghast at what has become of his once much beloved child-centered, family-friendly bastion of entertainment. Now disney has turned its back on its traditional mainstay and has gone astray. Filled with filth, it is no longer fun. Filled with perversion, it is no longer a safe place to play. A lesson to learn, don’t be a business like disney, because going “woke” you’ll end up broke. If you support disney, I won’t support you. ********************************************************* Reflexión personal:  Incluso mickey mouse está horrorizado por lo que ha sido de su otrora muy querido bastión de entretenimiento familiar y centrado en los niños.  Ahora disney le ha dado la espalda a su pilar tradicional y se ha extraviado.  Lleno de suciedad, ya no es divertido.  Lleno de perversión, ya no es un lugar seguro para jugar.  Una lección para aprender, no seas un negocio como disney, porque al “despertarte” terminarás arruinado....

What A Webb of Deceit we Weave by Gene Chapman

  What A Webb of Deceit we Weave by Gene Chapman Biden reversed everything Trump, and the Poverty rate is 22.4 percent, and going higher.   Robert F. Kennedy says it’s the highest ever, but the democrats and media are silencing him. There was an admitted one-billion-dollar fraud in Biden’s 2021 Unemployment Insurance, but no one knows for sure the actual number. There are only 2.1 million total government workers and the Deep State Bureaucracy were so busy shoveling out the money, they couldn’t check for fake or stolen identities. Resulting in lost untold millions, with Covid checks fraudulently sent to incarcerated inmates in some way. Surely, they didn’t send it to New York Prison, cell #9989, in their haste to buy democrat votes.   How could Russian criminal enterprises fraudulently receive millions of entitlement money from America every year? I know they are busy creating crimes on Trump, but surly the FBI could find one little squad to locate the real criminals! ...

"When God Tells You To Do Something, You Don't Hesitate" / "Cuando Dios Te Dice Que Hagas Algo No Lo Haces Vacilar"


Heralding our Hispano Heritage and Lauding our Latino Legacy by Marian Casillas, Ed.D. Incarnate Word College, BA ’77 / Anunciando nuestra herencia hispana y alabando nuestro legado latino por Marian Casillas, Ed.D., Incarnate Word College, BA ‘77

  No to “Latinx”! No to “Hispanix”!   The radical leftists want to “X” us out; they want to cross us out; they want to erase and eradicate our beautiful Spanish language. Don’t let them!   Inventing and speaking silly and stupid words is one thing. Buying into the degradation and destruction of our culture is another thing. Let them call themselves all sorts of foul, foolish, and fraudulent names, but don’t allow them to colonize or crush our culture. We are not their slaves or their servants. We are our own people who proudly speak our own language. Some of us speak only English, some of us speak only Spanish, and some of us are bilingual and speak both English and Spanish.   Our past, unfortunately, includes times when we were forbidden and punished for speaking Spanish in schools. So no, we do not take kindly to being told how we are to refer to ourselves, how we must call ourselves according to the radical leftist “new-speak” wants and wishe...

Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle / San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla

  Saint Michael the Archangel statue Mission of Divine Mercy Monastery - Sanctuary - Retreat Center New Braunfels, Texas

cops/metro is a communist/marxist organization - cops/metro es una organización comunista/marxista

  P ope Francis met with COPS/METRO from San Antonio, Texas which is a member of the (communist/marxist) Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), founded by radical left-wing activist Saul Alinsky whose writings were an inspiration to both Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Personal reflection: Don’t support communist/marxist organizations! ********************************************* El Papa Francisco se reunió con COPS/METRO de San Antonio, Texas, que es miembro de la (comunista/marxista) Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), fundada por el activista radical de izquierda Saul Alinsky, cuyos escritos fueron una inspiración para los senadores Barack Obama y Hillary Clinton. Reflexción personal: ¡No apoyen a las organizaciones comunistas/marxistas!

Appropriate Attire / Vestimenta apropiada

  Personal reflection: The posted dress attire sign should be at the entrance of every Catholic Church! Reflexión personal:  ¡El letrero de vestimenta publicado debe estar en la entrada de cada Iglesia Católica!

Dumbed Down into Oblivion? by Gene Chapman

  Dumbed Down into Oblivion? by Gene Chapman The statue of limitations for a felony is five years. Why did Trump appointed Delaware Democrat Federal Attorney David Weiss wait five years before filing charges on Hunter Biden?   Just in case the real money crimes of Joe and Hunter surfaced, no taxes would be required?   For the record, Trump only appointed Weiss as Federal Attorney, because the two Democrat Delaware Senators, and Lardy Crispy Chris Christy, masquerading as a friend of Trump, endorsed him. Weiss was never a Republican, but that’s the way the game is always played. Biden with forty years of experience knows exactly how to play the game of politics.   With all the Institutions of government safely in the harbor of the Democrat controlled Deep State, and a media with absolutely no interest in Other Side Truth, it’s a done deal. The truth can only be bastard alligator insignificant, an ugly stepchild. I watched Attorney General Merrick Garlands’ Congres...

Biden has spent almost half of his presidency on vacation / Biden ha pasado casi la mitad de su presidencia de vacaciones

  Personal reflection: Biden has spent almost half of his presidency on vacation, and the other half napping. Must be a nice job, if you can steal it. Probably about 40% of the American people believe he’s really running the country. The puppet masters have spent 100% of their time pulling his strings.   ***************************************   Reflexión personal: Biden ha pasado casi la mitad de su presidencia de vacaciones y la otra mitad durmiendo la siesta.  Debe ser un buen trabajo, si puedes robarlo. Probablemente alrededor del 40% del pueblo estadounidense cree que él realmente dirige el país. Los titiriteros han pasado el 100% de su tiempo moviendo sus hilos.

Doctors say something, it only matters what God has to say / Los médicos dicen algo, solo importa lo que Dios tenga que decir

  Noticias de A Tasha le diagnosticaron cáncer cerebral cuando tenía 20 semanas de embarazo y se negó a someterse a un aborto o a recibir quimioterapia para salvar a su bebé. Ahora los médicos han dicho que le queda 1 año de vida. Únase a nosotros para orar por Tasha y su familia. Personal reflection: God bless Tasha and her family. Reflexión personal: Dios bendiga a Tasha y su familia.

With God's grace it's "Fine And Dandy" / Con la gracia de Dios es "Bien y Dandy"

Personal reflection: God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. ******************************************** Reflexión personal: La voluntad de Dios se hará en la tierra como está en el cielo.

IS IT ALL Over by Gene Chapman

  IS IT ALL Over by Gene Chapman For the last twenty years the left has controlled most of America’s Institutions. Corporate Board rooms, Wall Street, Media, Silicone Valley, Academia, Hollywood, Google as arbiters of truth. They have rearranged Americas brain to accept only one world, far left liberalism period.  During the sixteen years of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stewardship, America became California/New York/Chicago nuts. They subsidized the poor to create more voters, made free market Capitalism evil raciest, and finished building an unelected, dominating bureaucratic Deep State running America, loyal to their handlers. They divided the Country into the Democrat oppressed, and rich Republican oppressors. They kept the oppressed poor, as the good guys, giving them moldy cheese bare sustenance without hope. They subsidized Wind and Solar power because it could never create enough energy to become profitable. They raised taxes and the economy grew by perhaps 1 perce...