Synod = Sin O.D. = Sin overdose Synod = Sin odd = Sin oddity Synod = Sin O.D. = Sin overdose The “evil one” wants to publicize his presence and his practices. The process of a synod will be used to justify a Church overdosing on sins; especially sodomy and other sexual sins of deviancy and perversion. The Church only needs to listen to the Holy Spirit who has spoken clearly and concretely in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. The concept of a synod is a creation of modernist madness which was established with the first synod of bishops taking place after Vatican II, in 1967. And since then it has become a mechanism of liberalization and modernization of institutional Church practices. There is no chaos or confusion when the Church remains faithful to over 2,000 years of the Truth and Teachings of the Apostles, the early Church Fathers, Saints, Martyrs, and the totality of the “sensus fidelium”, the sense of the faithful that has been passed on from on...