June 28, 2020: Rocketeers or rioters * Letters to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, Rocketeers or rioters After a storm, some people look out their window, raise their gaze up and see the beautifully colored rainbow magnificently spanning across the sky; while other people look out their window, hang their head down and see the mud, muck and mire that is savagely strewn across the landscape. Both scenes are the reality of the aftermath of a violent storm. There is the reality of the rainbow and the reality of the ruins. Some people only focus on the rainbow and are oblivious to the ruins, while others only spotlight the ruins and are unaware of the rainbow. The storm created both the rainbow and the ruins. Those who see both of them have the hope that the rainbow brings while diligently working to clean up the mess that the storm created. There were two news stories: one was heavily covered while the other was hardly covered at all. The riots rece...