November 26, 2019:Protecting powerful progressives vs. telling the truth

Letter to the Editor, Protecting powerful progressives vs. telling the truth Journalists have prided themselves in being the bastions of the free-press valiantly “speaking truth to power”, but recent revelations show they shamelessly kowtowed to the prominent, powerful progressives. Shocking! Utterly shocking! Sarcastically said . . . The media conglomerates are in cahoots to protect the elites and punish the everyday people by pushing their propaganda and keeping us in-line with their agenda. If you’re sick-and-tired of being lied to, if you want to see the light-of-truth and aren’t content to be kept in the darkness-of-deception, if you want to see what real, undercover investigative journalism looks like, then be thankful for Project VERITAS. You’ll be amazed at all the courageous whistleblowers that are willing to put their livelihood and their life on-the-line for the sake-of-truth. If you honestly believe that Jeffery Epstein, a convicted se...