Woe To A Generation That Refers To Evil as Good and Good As Evil! And thus the bait is attractive By: Msgr. Charles Pope

Woe To A Generation That Refers To Evil as Good and Good As Evil! And thus the bait is attractive By: Msgr. Charles Pope Satan, it would seem, does not act in an arbitrary manner when trying to tempt us. Rather, he is more a master hunter carefully setting traps, or a skilled fisherman studying behavior in order to choose the most effective bait. Satan is calculating and clever. Sadly, most of us are far less calculating and clever in seeking to avoid temptation and sin. We often engage in the wishful thinking that no trouble will befall us. Our strategy seems to depend more on dumb luck than anything else. Would that we were as ingenious in holiness as Satan is in trying to trap us! Jesus sadly and ironically observed, For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light (Luke 16:8). Let us ponder for a moment the notion of the bait and the hook, to use imagery from the fis...