Showing posts from October, 2012
Archbishop to unveil and bless 2 new statues at Cathedral
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This Thursday, November 1, Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller will unveil and bless the statues of Blessed John Paul II and St. Toribio Romo González during the Noon Mass at San Fernando Cathedral. November 1st is significant for two reasons: it is the feast of All Saints, a day in which the Catholic Church celebrates all holy men and women who are saints of God, known and unknown. It is also the anniversary of Blessed John Paul II’s priestly ordination. During the anniversary celebration of the Holy Father’s visit, Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller announced that on November 1st, a specially crafted statue of the Blessed John Paul II would be placed permanently in San Fernando Cathedral, the sight of one of his appearances while in San Antonio. At the same time a statue of St. Toribio Romo González, a Mexican martyr who died in the Cristero War, will also be blessed and share the space in the cathedral with Blessed John Paul II, the pope who beatified him in 1992 and c...
St. Joseph Church: November 1 - All Saints Day & November 2 - All Soul's Day
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Sacred Heart Church: November 1 - Solemnity of All Saints & November 2 - Commemoration of All Souls
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Our Lady of Guadalupe Church: 2 de Noviembre - Conmemoracion de todos los Fieles Difuntos
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October 30, 2012: Del Rio News-Herald Letter to the Editor by Father Henry Clay Hunt III "How should Christians vote in real-world elections?"
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One item auction to help Amistad Pregnancy Care Center
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Dear Friends, Amistad Pregnancy Care Center would like to invite you to help our center by bidding on a beautiful item hand embroidered, hand quilted by a friend of APCC. It is a baby quilt that tells the Christmas Story of Jesus' Birth. Size: 45" X 39". It could be used as a wall hanging or for a baby. It can be used to tell the story of the birth of Jesus and will make a fabulous heirloom to pass from generation to generation. There are two photos of this beautiful baby blanket. T he bid starts today Monday October 29, 2012 and it will end midnight Monday November 26, 2012 . Please send us an email, text us or call us to place your bid. Bid starts at $35.00 . We will keep you updated on the latest bid. Please share this event with your friends and relatives. Thank you APCC volunteers 830-775-8076 830-...
40 Days for Life: Austin, Texas
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AUSTIN, TEXAS A month into the campaign, the abortion center staff in Austin is still trying to find a legal reason that might disrupt the 40 Days for Life vigil. "They claim that we are breaking city ordinances by having our signs on a display," said one of the Austin volunteers, "which we are not. And we've proved that a million times before." "I like when the police drive by and smile with a wave," said another volunteer. "The smile is a nice way of saying, keep up the good work." To see a picture of one of the displays at the Austin vigil, go to:
Afterwords: The doors in our life
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1. We work here on our own issues - Please leave other people’s issues outside the door 2. We have to open the door in order for opportunities to be delivered 3. God opens doors; take advantage of the opportunities that are there 4. God opens up doors we would never have dreamed of and leads us into God’s destiny for our lives 5. God closes old doors in our life and opens new doors in our life 6. When we humble ourselves we open the door to healing 7. God carries us through with His Love, Provision, Companionship and Direction; even in our suffering and brings us into a new season with fresh possibilities, renewed hope...
"10 Saints Who Were Great Evangelizers" in honor of the Year of Faith and the upcoming All Saints Day
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One of the best ways to strengthen faith is to study the lives of the saints, and the U.S. Bishops have selected 10 saints to start with as the Year of Faith begins. 1. Sts. Peter and Paul –Peter and Paul laid the foundations of the early Church and are among the most venerated saints. Peter was the first to profess that Jesus is the Son of God, and the papacy is built on his witness. Paul’s mission trips expanded the reach of the young Church, and his writings articulate our faith. Both men were willing to bear witness to the point of death, and both were martyred in Rome. 2. St. Jerome – A Fourth Century Doctor of the Church, Jerome made the Bible more accessible to everyday people when he translated it into Latin from its original Hebrew and Greek. St. Jerome is famous for saying, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” We can follow in Jerome’s evangelizing footsteps by loving the Word of God. 3. St. Augustine – Bishop of Hippo, a contemporary o...
40 Days for Life: Dallas, Texas
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DALLAS, TEXAS The 40 Days for Life vigil in Dallas, like the one in Sharonville, is taking place outside a late-term abortion facility. Prayer volunteers there were recently able to offer help to a young woman who was sitting on the steps of the building -- in tears. But before she could get up to walk to the counselors, an abortion center worker walked out the side entrance and met her first. However, this distraught young woman turned away from the staff member ... and responded to the offer of help from the sidewalk, where a counselor walked with her to the nearby pregnancy help center. "She came to the abortion facility without hope," said one of the volunteers. "With courage she walked away from this place of despair. She chose life ... and she is going to have twins!" To see a picture of the 40 Days for Life vigil in Dallas, go to:
October 26, 2012: Article in Del Rio News-Herald "Sacred Heart welcomes new pastor"
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2012-2013 Edition: The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College - 28 Colleges, Universities and Online Programs Recommended for Fidelity and Excellence
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U.S. Colleges and Universities Aquinas College (Nashville, Tenn.) Ave Maria University (Ave Maria, Fla.) Belmont Abbey College (Belmont, N.C.) Benedictine College (Atchison, Kan.) The Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.) Christendom College (Front Royal, Va.) The College of Saint Mary Magdalen (Warner, N.H.) The College of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More (Fort Worth, Tex.) DeSales University (Center Valley, Penn.) Franciscan University of Steubenville (Steubenville, Ohio) Holy Apostles College (Cromwell, Conn.) Holy Spirit College (Atlanta, Ga.) John Paul the Great Catholic University (San Diego, Calif.) Mount St. Mary's Univerity (Emmitsburg, Md.) St. Gregory's University (Shawnee, Ok.) Thomas Aquinas College (Santa Paula, Calif.) The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts (Merrimack, N.H.) University of Dallas (Irving, Tex.) University of Mary (Bismarck, N.D.) University of St. Thomas (Houston, Tex.) Walsh University (North ...
ACEES: Mnemonic to recall the five (5) Non-Negotiable Intrinsically Evil Issues
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10 Questions the Media Never Ask Pro-Abortion Candidates
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by Steven Ertelt Life News A list of the top 10 questions pro-abortion candidates are never asked by the media. 1. You say you support a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices in regards to abortion and contraception. Are there any restrictions you would approve of? 2. In 2010, The Economist featured a cover story on “the war on girls” and the growth of “gendercide” in the world – abortion based solely on the sex of the baby. Does this phenomenon pose a problem for you or do you believe in the absolute right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy because the unborn fetus is female? 3. In many states, a teenager can have an abortion without her parents’ consent or knowledge but cannot get an aspirin from the school nurse without parental authorization. Do you support any restrictions or parental notification regarding abortion access for minors? 4. If you do not believe that human life begins at conception, when do you believe it ...
Voting Guide Mobile App for Catholics
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Voting Guide Mobile App for Catholics Voting Guide for Catholics A group of Catholic clergy has produced the FIRST FREE NON-PARTISAN VOTING GUIDE FOR CATHOLICS MOBILE APP for handheld devices (iPhones, iPods, iPads, Android & Windows Smartphones). The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy is a national association of more than 500 priests and deacons in the USA with fellow confraternities in Australia and Great Britain. As local pastors, they consider responsible citizenship a high priority among their flock. With Election Day soon approaching, it is imperative that the lay faithful take their right to vote seriously. Living in a democratic republic has many blessings, rights and privileges that are essentially connected to civic duties and obligations. Making a prudent decision in the voting booth requires a well formed conscience and a reasonable knowledge of the issues at stake. Six vital concerns are specifically highlighted: RIGHT TO ...
Election Central Presidential Voter Guides by Catholics Called to Witness
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Comparison of Presidential Candidates on Religious Liberty The Catholic Association Know the Positions of the Presidential Candidates Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops Where Do the Candidates Stand on Key Issues? Priests for Life A Comparison of the 2012 Republican and Democratic Platforms Priests for Life A Brief Catechism for Catholic Voters EWTN