
Showing posts from March, 2009

A Spiritual Springtime

The following are signs of a bright, clear, fresh, springtime of spiritual awakening. There is an increased tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen. We let go and let God. There are frequent attacks of smiling. There is a peace within us that is beyond human understanding; our heart wells up with joy that spills all over our face. There are feelings of being connected with others and nature. We are all the beloved creatures and creation of God. There are frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation. We are grateful for everything given to us by God; we recognize that he is Our Loving Father who takes care of us and all is for our greater good. There is a tendency to think and act spontaneously rather to think and act out of fear and trepidation. We follow God given inspirations to do what is good and avoid what is evil. There is an unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. We live in the present totally and completely. There is a loss of ability to worry. We trust...

Response to Pictorial Request

First of all we would like to express our most heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the Del Rio News-Herald for the Saturday edition Church page section. Thanks be to God the articles submitted by The Legion of Mary have been published for the last seven (7) years and God permitting we will continue in this ministry. The articles submitted to the DRNH are a collective, collaborative and cooperative work of all the members made possible through prayer, fellowship and spiritual readings at our weekly meetings. A recently deceased member and past president of The Legion of Mary, Edelmira (Mache) Rubio, first contacted the DRNH and submitted the first article published in 2001. That article appeared after the “911” national tragedy calling our community to join us in praying the Rosary for Peace. May our sister in Christ, Edelmira (Mache) Rubio rest in God’s peace and may God’s eternal light shine upon her. As members of The Legion of Mary we go about our ministry of evangelizatio...

Blessed Attitudes

Let us reflectively consider the eight Beatitudes made in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3–11) as descriptions we are to imitate. First, we are to be poor in spirit. Not proud or arrogant, humbly obeying God’s will. Second, we are to be meek, overcoming evil with good. Not retaliating against those who persecute, ridicule or scorn us. Third, we are to be mournful, lamenting the loss of spiritual goods given up when we willfully sin, grieving that we worship the fleeting, passing things of this world, when we are to worship God alone above all else. Fourth, we are to hunger and thirst for righteousness, believing that Christ died for us, to win for us the grace of salvation, to do the Father's will as He did. Fifth, we are to be merciful, uniting our heart with Christ’s Heart broken and crushed with the weight of His mercy. Seeing us in our miserable condition, He came down from heaven, brought the Good News of salvation, and won heaven for us by His sufferings. Sixth, we ...