PICTURES of Del Rio Stand Up For Religious Freedom Prayer Rally: Friday, June 8, 2012, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. at Greenwood Park
Del Rio Stand Up For Religious Freedom Prayer Rally
Friday, June 8, 2012
12 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Greenwood Park
1. Opening Prayer –
2. 1st Speaker – Father Clay –
3. Song – America the Beautiful –
4. 2nd Speaker – Dr. Montemayor –
5. Song – Amazing Grace –
6. Reading of Psalms/Liturgy of the Hours –
7. Reading of Declaration of Independence or First Amendment –
8. Amistad Pregnancy Center will be handing out “life” balloons, etc. at the information center
9. Prayer of the Holy Rosary and standing by the street holding our signs –
10. Closing Prayer -
Opening Prayer: Father Clay Hunt
Father Clay Hunt - David Martinez - Leticia Escobar - Lucy Van Goethem
Rally Co-Captain and Announcer: Leticia Escobar
Father Clay Hunt - David Martinez - Leticia Escobar
Announcer: Leticia Escobar
Dr. Irma Montemayor - Father Clay Hunt - David Martinez - Leticia Escobar - Lucy Van Goethem
Speaker, Reading of Psalms/Liturgy of the Hours, Reading of Declaration of Independence and First Amendment: Father Clay Hunt
Dr. Irma Montemayor - David Martinez - Father Clay Hunt - Leticia Escobar - Lucy Van Goethem
Singer: Lucy Van Goethem
"America the Beautiful"
Dr. Irma Montemayor - Lucy Van Goethem - David Martinez - Leticia Escobar - Father Clay Hunt
Speaker: Dr. Irma Montemayor
Dr. Irma Montemayor - David Martinez
Speaker: Dr. Irma Montemayor
David Martinez - Dr. Irma Montemayor
Children with "Life" Balloons from Amistad Pregnancy Center
Children with "Life" Balloons from Amistad Pregnancy Center
Singer: Lucy Van Goethem
"Amazing Grace"
Dr. Irma Montemayor - Lucy Van Goethem - David Martinez - Leticia Escober - Father Clay Hunt - Deacon Efrain Santana
Lining Garfield Street praying one decade of the Holy Rosary Rosie Aguilar: Rally Co-Captain from Amistad Pregnancy Center |
Speaker: Concluding Remarks by Father Clay Hunt
Deacon Efrain Santana - Father Clay Hunt - David Martinez
Father Antonio O. Moreno announcing that the movie "For Greater Glory" will be coming to Del Rio, Texas
Father Antonio Moreno - David Martinez - Leticia Escobar
Closing Prayer: Father Clay Hunt
Deacon Efrain Santana - Father Clay Hunt - David Martinez - Father Antonio Moreno